Maritime College. N.Y. Maritime -Training






Maritime training has evolved over the centuries from an apprenticeship-type education into a formal course of study. From the early days, hands-on experience has proven invaluable to future seafarers, where one would learn by practicing the procedures and using the tools of the trade. Today, that tradition continues, through the use of both computer simulators and hands-on experience, not to mention more formal training in math, science, navigation, engineering, international law, ship security, and protection of the marine environment.

In our Hall of Maritime Training, we trace the development of maritime training through the history of the State University of New York (SUNY) Maritime College and its training ships, the oldest institute of its kind in the United States, and one of the

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Educación mariíima en el Mundo

National Security Multi-Mission Vessel




El buque multimisión de seguridad nacional es un barco propuesto por la Administración Marítima de los Estados Unidos diseñado como buques de entrenamiento para las academias marítimas de los Estados Unidos. 


Ver descripción original



Eslora160 m


Manga27 m


Propulsión4 motores  diesel electric, un eje


En servicio2023 (Est.)


Complemento600 cadetes, 100 oficiciales, staff,

Tripulación (Entrenamiento); 1000

MARAD Public Affairs

1200 New Jersey Avenue Washington, DC 20590
United States

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Phone: 202-366-5807


9:00am-5:00pm ET, M-F

NSMV – National Security Multi-Mission Vessels




Road to the NSMV




MARAD provides ships from the National Defense Reserve Fleet (NDRF) as training vessels for the six state maritime academies. The agency is currently working to replace these older ships with new, purpose-built

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Dalian Maritime University (DMU) - Marine Engineering, Transportation & Logistics Education

Dalian Maritime University (DMU) is one of the largest and best maritime universities and is the only key maritime institution under the Ministry of Communications, People’s Republic of China. DMU enjoys a high reputation internationally as an excellent center of maritime education and training as recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). DMU is located in southwestern Dalian, which is a famous coastal city in northeastern China with a population of six million. The University covers an area of one million square meters with almost half a million square meters occupied by buildings.

DMU was created in 1953 through the amalgamation of three merchant marine institutions: Shanghai Nautical College, the Northeast Navigation College and Fujian Navigation School. Presently

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La Universidad de Cádiz y la Escuela Nacional de Marina Mercante del Perú cooperarán en docencia e investigación




 Cádiz noticias

El protocolo general de colaboración y el acuerdo específico en marina mercante, administración marítima y portuaria y en actividades de ámbito marítimo convierte a la UCA en centro de referencia de estos estudios en Perú

La Universidad de Cádiz y la Escuela Nacional de Marina Mercante del Perú Almirante Miguel Grau (ENAMM) han firmado un protocolo general de colaboración y un convenio específico para cooperar en docencia e investigación. El rector de la UCA, Francisco Piniella, y el director de la ENAMM, Marco Aurelio Nicolini, han presidido el acto institucional de forma telemática en compañía del vicerrector de Internacionalización, Rafael Jiménez Castañeda, y del coordinador del grado en Marina de la Escuela de Ingenierías Marina, Náutica y Radioelectrónica de la UCA,

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