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- Category: Enseñanzas náuticas, formación, cursos
- Published on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 07:08
- Hits: 2018
The Maritime Administration plays a part in educating many members of the public about the maritime industry, but we have a particularly large role in the training and education of mariners. We operate the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point, New York, one of five Federal service academies. The Maritime Administration also provides training vessels and other support to six state maritime academies, which are in Texas, California, New York, Michigan, Maine, and Massachusetts. These academies all provide four-year undergraduate programs, and their graduates find employment as licensed mariners and in shoreside occupations such as shipyard management and transportation logistics. We also are active in the current rapid growth of maritime education at the high school and middle school levels.
The social side of seafaring
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- Category: Enseñanzas náuticas, formación, cursos
- Published on Wednesday, 26 March 2014 07:01
- Hits: 2270
Many years ago there was a prize winning short story in a competition for mariners that took the form of a modern-day spine-chiller, telling the tale of the sole watchkeeper on a car carrier running through fog.
The watch’s relief fails to turn up, the lookout has disappeared and when, desperate, he eventually leaves the bridge, he finds the accommodation completely empty.
It was told in a manner to make the flesh creep, but thirty years ago when it was published it seemed like fantasy. Manning levels hadn’t been pruned to the numbers that run surprisingly big ships today and there was always somebody around.
These days I keep reading non-fiction that describes modern seafaring as increasingly being like serving on “ghost ships” and sheer
Técnico en Operaciones Subacuáticas e Hiperbáricas
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- Category: Enseñanzas náuticas, formación, cursos
- Published on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 23:10
- Hits: 2568
Decreto 198/2013, de 27 de diciembre, por el que se establece el currículo del ciclo formativo de grado medio correspondiente al título de técnico en Operaciones Subacuáticas e Hiperbáricas (DOG de 17 de marzo de 2014). Texto completo.
El Estatuto de autonomía de Galicia, en su artículo 31, determina que es de la competencia plena de la Comunidad Autónoma gallega la regulación y la administración de la enseñanza en toda su extensión, niveles y grados, modalidades y especialidades, en el ámbito de sus competencias, sin perjuicio
Resolución de 26 de febrero de 2014, de la Dirección General de la Marina Mercante, por la que se homologa la Escuela Náutica Baleares, SL para impartir cursos
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- Category: Enseñanzas náuticas, formación, cursos
- Published on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 23:41
- Hits: 1811
Efectuada solicitud de homologación por la Escuela Náutica Baleares, S.L., para impartir los cursos de formación básica en protección marítima, vista la documentación aportada y el informe de la Capitanía Marítima de Valencia y de conformidad con lo dispuesto en el Convenio STCW 1978 enmendado por la Conferencia de Manila de 2010, y la Directiva 2012/35 UE del Parlamento Europeo y la Directiva 208/106/CE relativa al nivel mínimo de formación de las profesiones marítimas,
Esta Dirección General ha resuelto:
Homologar la Escuela Náutica Baleares, S.L., para impartir los cursos de certificado de especialidad de:
Formación básica en protección marítima.
Esta homologación tendrá validez por dos años, a partir de la fecha de su publicación en el «Boletín Oficial del Estado», pudiéndose prorrogar
New Alliance to Develop Advanced e-Maritime Systems
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- Category: Enseñanzas náuticas, formación, cursos
- Published on Tuesday, 18 March 2014 13:32
- Hits: 2133
An alliance between France's Orolia, and Transas Group, leaders in maritime simulation, navigation and surveillance systems, aims to integrate Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) and Search and Rescue (SAR) functionality into enhanced marine communication solutions.
The primary focus of the agreement is on joint market and solution development for the maritime industry including:
- Creating Advanced SAR-enhanced MDA Systems.Adding McMurdo Group’s proven beacon technology and COSPAS-SARSAT/MESOAR satellite-based solutions (including mission control and rescue coordination centers) to Transas’ world-leading vessel traffic management, training and 3D simulation systems can result in higher levels of navigational and safety proficiency. These new offerings will fully integrate emergency preparedness, risk detection, crisis response and emergency operations for activities such as commercial fishing, illegal immigration control and