Box shipping remains challenging





25 February 2015

Higher deliveries of container ships, especially ultra-large container ships (ULCSs), will make the sector more challenging in the short term.

IHS Maritime's data show 1,906,008 teu of container ships that would be delivered this year, including 70 ULCSs.

Last year 1,517,125 teu of container ships were delivered, including 60 ULCSs.

Italian broker Banchero Costa noted that trade growth has been languishing at low single-digit percentages.

The company said, "The market remains challenging as on the supply side there is the lurking issue of overcapacity and damaging price wars."

In response, carriers have been consolidating via mergers or through alliances.

Hapag-Lloyd merged with CSAV to create the fourth-largest carrier. On the other hand Maersk, MSC, and CMA CGM

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Helsinki Court Rules in Finnlines’ Favor





Helsinki District Court has ordered State of Finland to refund shipping company Finnlines Plc the fairway dues totaling about EUR 17.0 million including interest.

According to the ruling, the Finnish Act on Fairway Dues in force until 1 January 2006  has contained provisions which according to EU law were discriminatory. As a result, the company has been charged excessive fairway dues during 2001-2004.

If the judgment becomes final, it will affect Finnlines’ financial statements for 2015 positively with about EUR 16.5 million, the company said.

Fifty-two other shipping companies, both from Finland and abroad, filed claims for excessive dues and will be compensated a total of $ 100 from the state.




El BNG reclama que se demande a Noruega por discriminar a los marineros gallegos




Redacción / La Voz

Aseguran que el país europep incurre en una discriminación al exigir a los trabajadores de Galicia la condición de residentes

Redacción / La Voz, 23/02/2015 06:1423 de febrero de 2015. Actualizado a las 06:14 h.

El grupo del BNG en el Congreso ha registrado una iniciativa en la que insta al Gobierno a interponer una demanda contra Noruega «por negarse a reconocer los años trabajados por marineros gallegos» en buques del país nórdico, una decisión que perjudica a más de 12.000 personas.

Las parlamentarias de la formación, Olaia Fernández Davila y Rosana Pérez, explican que Noruega incurre en una discriminación al exigir a los trabajadores del mar gallegos la condición de residentes, requisito que no pide a los nacionales noruegos

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Santander.- Una nueva compañía de barcos turísticos acaba con el monopolio de décadas en la bahía






Enrique Arriola, junto a su embarcación atracada en el puerto deportivo Marina del Cantábrico, a la espera de navegar por la bahía. / Javier Cotera

  • Con capacidad para 144 pasajeros, la primera nave de Santander Bahía Tours, que saldrá del dique de Gamazo en primavera, navegará esta semana en pruebas


Esta primavera la compañía cántabra Santander Bahía Tours SBT romperá el monopolio que durante décadas ha existido en el servicio de paseos turísticos en barco por la bahía de Santander. De momento cuenta con un barco construido por Metaltec Naval, en Raos, que al tiempo explota el negocio, pero la intención es ir aumentando la flota con un barco al año.

Esta primera embarcación es un

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ISIS Seen as Threat to Cruise Ships on the Mediterranean







by Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D.20 Feb 2015185

Self-relegated to Iraq and Syria, just months ago ISIS seemed a distant threat to Italians and other Europeans. Having set up Libyan strongholds along the Mediterranean coast, however, ISIS is now on Europe’s doorstep. The latest threat is to Mediterranean cruise ships– those, for instance, that go from Sicily up the Italian coast to the south of France, or bop from one Greek island to another.

The Italian Ministry of Defense has outlined various grim scenarios whereby ISIS would engage in Somali-style piracy on the Mediterranean, menacing shipping companies and cruise ships.

The report states: “Having gained control of some ports and of vessels of various descriptions and with the possibility of taking

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