Ferry Chronicle 2014 by Kalle Id



Posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2015 by

Ferry Chronicle 2014

by Kalle Id

Welcome to the second ever issue of MaritimeMatters’ annual (if one can use that terms when the series is only on its second year) look at the status of the international ferry business. I started the 2013 issue by saying that the year was a “gap year” in the ferry business, with operators biding their time, waiting for the Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA) regulations to come into effect on the Baltic Sea, North Sea and the east & west coast of North America. Year 2014 was even more of a gap year, with just one actual newbuilt ferry entering service during the entire year. But several other interesting

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Los trabajadores de Remolcadores de Puerto están convocados para un paro



El Baluarte de Cádiz

Publicado el: Jue, 12 feb, 2015


El 5 de febrero se ha presentado el preaviso convocando a que todos los Remolcadores de Puerto del estado paren su actividad el 16 de Febrero.

Los y las trabajadoras del Remolque Portuario, han presentado preaviso de Huelga estatal de 24 h en dicho servicio portuario. El paro está convocado para el 16 de febrero a las 08h 00m, hasta las 08h 00m del día 17.

La convocatoria se ha realizado por los sindicatos CGT, OTEP, SAME, SITRAM y USO, y en convocatoria propia para Euskadi ELA y LAB. Los puertos que ya aprobaron en su día secundar el paro son numerosos e incluyen entre otros a Barcelona, Valencia, Cartagena, Algeciras, Cádiz, Huelva, Bilbao,

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Se ralentiza el crecimiento del registro naviero panameño




 martes 10 de febrero de 2015 - 12:01 a.m.

Panamá todavía tiene la flota mercante más grande del mundo, pero su crecimiento se ha estancado en el 0.5% anual

Panamá, el registro por excelencia a nivel mundial.


Marlene Testa
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Con 8,436 embarcaciones registradas el año pasado, Panamá continúa teniendo el mayor registro de naves del mundo. Se trata de un negocio que genera $80 millones al año a la economía panameña y que ha sido favorecido por la posición geográfica del país, que conecta el océano Pacífico y el mar Caribe, y que lo ha convertido en una de las rutas

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All change please





10 Feb 2015

Be prepared: terminals facing ever-larger ship calls cannot become complacent, says KPCT

Handling extreme peaks and troughs in box movements demands meticulous planning, as Alex Hughes explains

The arrival of ultra large container ships (ULCS) at ports around the globe is changing the face of the industry, bringing with them tremendous peaks in box exchanges that are challenging even the most experienced of handlers.

In Italy, for example, every week ULCSs call at Medcenter in Gioia Tauro, generating an average box exchange of 3,500-4,000 units. However, this could rise to 6,000 containers per call when vessels deployed by the 2M alliance commence operations.

According to

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Too BIG to sail? Container ship giants veer off course in battle of the mega vessels




Too BIG to sail? Container ship giants veer off course in battle of the mega vessels


Container shipping lines have gone astray in serving global trade amid their craze for mega vessels

PUBLISHED : Monday, 09 February, 2015, 12:09am
UPDATED : Monday, 09 February, 2015, 4:41pm

Being recognised as the biggest in the world must have its attractions, but it cannot be fun knowing from day one that a competitor

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