Un nuevo sistema para ahorrar combustible.

Helsinki Times, 7-13 August 2014.


Ahorrar combustible, tanto en la mar como en puerto, es una de los objetivos de los armadores, pero no es fácil.


Son muchos los factores que afectan al consumo durante la navegación: corrientes, estado de la mar, la fuerza y la dirección del viento, el calado, asiento, formas del casco, tersura de la superficie de deslizamiento, hélice/s, etc. La empresa finlandesa Eniram, cofundada por Pyörre en 2005 se ha especializado precisamente en el campo del ahorro de combustible. El proyecto nació cuando tres capitanes se reúnen una noche en las islas Aland para ponderar como optimizar cómo gestionar del mejor modo posible la navegación con el fin de reducir el consumo de combustible.  Uno de los capitanes era empleado

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ICS explains shipping industry commitment to reduce CO2 emissions, at ‘Tyndall Centre’ Event in Liverpool

2014 June 19 18:33

At a major conference 18 June in Liverpool, United Kingdom, hosted by the renowned Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Peter Hinchliffe, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), gave the keynote speech explaining the shipping industry’s commitment to reducing its CO2 emissions, ICS said in its press release.

Mr Hinchliffe said that shipping is the only industry with a mandatory global regime in place, agreed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), to reduce its CO2 emissions. “We are therefore already on a pathway to deliver ships by 2030 that will be 30% more efficient than those of just a couple of years ago.”

He added: “There is a clear mood to address supply chain efficiency at every

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The Annual Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery Conference


The 8th Annual Marine Propulsion & Auxiliary Machinery conference will be held on 15-16 April, 2015  in London.

With over 200 senior stakeholders attending the conference in 2014, this event has become a must attend for: owners, operators, managers, engine designers and builders, ship designers and builders, fuel/lubrication manufacturers and suppliers, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, regulators, class societies and industry associations.

You can find a selection of photos from the 2014 event on our Google+ page here and see a selection of interviews with our 2014 speakers on YouTube here.

Highlights from the 2014 conference & awards:

Bunker prices set to rise next week, expert says

2014 June 12 21:03


The Bunker Review is contributed by Marine Bunker Exchange   

Brent and WTI crude oil prices surge on Thursday as conflict and violence in Northern Iraq escalates. The Brent crude jumped more than $2 to over $112 a barrel on worries that escalating violence in Iraq could disrupt oil supplies from the major OPEC exporter.
An earlier silent market response to news that Sunni rebels had overrun Iraq’s second-largest city Mosul and moved in on its largest refinery at Baiji has given way to growing worries as the al Qaeda splinter group appeared to make rapid advances toward the Shi’ite-led government in Baghdad, causing fear that it will threaten the Iraqi oil exports. Concern that the Bagdad controlled Iraqi army was disintegrating

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Nuclear and fuel cell alternatives foreseen




Nuclear and fuel cell alternatives foreseen                 

13 Jun 2014

‘Viking I’ was in many ways the forerunner of the current ro-pax ship

Such is today’s focus on alternative fuels that it seemed slightly odd to see that the same subject was a hot topic back in 1964.

The June 1964 issue of The Motor Ship began with a leading article about nuclear power, then on the next page we found a news item about fuel cell development.

Official British proposals for nuclear power for ships were described as a ‘whitewash’, while fuel cells were received in a considerably kinder vein, despite the maximum power available at the time being only 25kW, though 200kW versions were expected

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