Chemical Tanker first to combine duplex stainless and stainless-clad steel




18 November 2014

The chemical tanker, Sunrise Hope (12,500dwt) is world's first to use a combination of duplex stainless steel and stainless clad steel in construction of its cargo tanks. The ship has recently been delivered to Hiro Naviera by Usuki Shipyard.

Class NK says: "On the Sunrise Hope, duplex stainless steel KSUS329J3L replaces the commonly used SUS316LN for the bulkheads inside the cargo tanks, while the bulkheads adjacent to the cargo tanks were constructed using stainless clad steel."

The eco-ship design vessel is equipped with 14 cargo tanks, all which employ duplex stainless steel technology. Construction of the vessel was carried out in accordance with ClassNK's Guidelines on Welding of Duplex Stainless Steels, which were released in January 2014, marking the

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Los 20 empleos en los que podrías empezar a trabajar mañana mismo



  • Dieciocho de las veinte profesiones para las que no se hallan trabajadores están vinculadas al sector naval


Los grandes titulares hablan de brotes verdes que para la mayoría de los ciudadanos no acaban de llegar. Málaga cerró el pasado mes de noviembre con 195.672 desempleados, 1.954 personas más que el mes anterior. Las filas del Servicio Andaluz de Empleo (SAE) siguen a rebosar de trabajadores desesperados por conseguir un trabajo. Muchos de ellos no cobran ya ninguna ayuda y son muchas las familias en las que ninguno de sus miembros está en activo. Ante este panorama, conocer los sectores con mejores porcentajes de oferta con respecto a la demanda se hace indispensable para tratar de encontrar una salida.

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OSK-Ship Tech, GSI Ink Design




OSK-ShipTech, GSI Ink Design Deal Extension

Danish naval architect consultancy, OSK-ShipTech A/S and China’s Guangzhou Shipyard International (GSI) have signed a contract for continuation of design works in relation to the new RoPax ferry recently contracted between GSI and Sweden’s passenger shipping company,  Gotlandsbolaget.

The ferry will service the route between Nynäshamn and  Visby, Gotland, and, as described by the designer, will be “one of the world’s most powerful and fastest  ferries to be powered liquefied natural gas (LNG).”

The 200 meter long vessel will have a deadweight capacity of approximately 4,800 tonnes, room for about 1650 passengers and 1750 trailer lane meters.

“Despite the vessel having a 1200 ton larger displacement than Gotlandsbolaget’s existing two RoPax vessels, MS Visby and MS

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EU Bankrolls First European LNG-Powered Hopper Barge




Bankrolls First European LNG-Powered Hopper Barge


The EU’s TEN-T Programme will co-finance with over €1.5 million the construction of the first in Europe hopper barge powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG).

The LNG fuel could help reduce air pollution caused by barge transport services.

Hopper barges carrying sand dredged from ports are most often using conventional, more polluting fuel than accepted by the European regulation for future shipping services (2050 onwards).

This project is addressing the European requirements to reduce maritime transport emissions by constructing an LNG-powered hopper barge in the ports of Bremerhaven and Bremen in Germany, the EU Commission said in a release.

The pilot project features the technical design of the new barge, granting permissions to operate in

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Car Carriers to Make Up for the Shortfall?





The capacity growth in the Pure Car Carrier (PCC) sector for the next few years looks fairly moderate with the orderbook standing at 11% of the fleet, judging by Clarksons’ recent market review. 

Namely, trade is provisionally projected to grow by 5% in 2015, making up for some of the shortfall this year.

However, according to Clarksons, the bigger question is “whether we can expect trade growth to maintain the robust levels seen historically in the longer term.”

The PCC fleet has responded eagerly to the challenge of growing seaborne volumes of cars. The fleet has grown from an overall capacity of 1.35m vehicles at end 1996 to 3.76m vehicles today, total expansion of 175%.

Today, there are

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