The chemical tanker, Sunrise Hope (12,500dwt) is world's first to use a combination of duplex stainless steel and stainless clad steel in construction of its cargo tanks. The ship has recently been delivered to Hiro Naviera by Usuki Shipyard.
Class NK says: "On the Sunrise Hope, duplex stainless steel KSUS329J3L replaces the commonly used SUS316LN for the bulkheads inside the cargo tanks, while the bulkheads adjacent to the cargo tanks were constructed using stainless clad steel."
The eco-ship design vessel is equipped with 14 cargo tanks, all which employ duplex stainless steel technology. Construction of the vessel was carried out in accordance with ClassNK's Guidelines on Welding of Duplex Stainless Steels, which were released in January 2014, marking the