Rolls-Royce launches new medium speed marine engines


Rolls-Royce has unveiled the first of a new family of medium-speed engines for the marine market that will include versions powered by diesel and gas.

The new engines offer a 20% increase in power per cylinder, while reducing fuel consumption, emissions and through-life operating costs compared to existing engines in the Rolls-Royce Bergen range.

The first engine, the B33:45 powered by diesel, was officially launched at the SMM exhibition in Hamburg.

Cleaner oceans

Mikael Makinen, Rolls-Royce, President - Marine commented: "Ship owners want better performance at a lower price and society wants cleaner oceans. This new family of engines will deliver what our customers need in terms of cost and the environment, and so I'm delighted to be able to launch the first engine in what

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El contrato de transporte, camino del BOE

19 Septiembre 2014

Oposiciones y concursos


B. Oposiciones y concursos



Orden FOM/1072/2014, de 13 de junio, por la que se convoca proceso selectivo para ingreso, por el sistema general de acceso libre, en el Cuerpo Especial Facultativo de Marina Civil.

Could computers captain the world’s cargo ships?


About the author

Jack is the presenter of Science in Action on the BBC World Service. He trained as a mechanical engineer (with automotive and aeronautic design) before becoming a journalist. He has worked at the BBC for over a decade and has reported from areas as diverse as war zones and technology shows


(Getty Images)

Cargo ships carry the bulk of the world’s trade – but are a major source of pollution. Could computer control go some way to making them cleaner and more efficient? Jack Stewart reports.


Unmanned cargo ships could become a reality on our oceans within the decade, according to manufacturer Rolls-Royce.

At any given moment, there

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Samarás ve en el nombramiento del comisario griego una "muestra de confianza" en Grecia

Samarás ve en el nombramiento del comisario griego una "muestra de confianza" en Grecia

La Informacion .com / Atenas, 10 sep (EFE).− El primer ministro de Grecia, Andonis Samarás, afirmó hoy que la elección del exministro de Defensa, Dimitris Avramópulos, como nuevo comisario de Inmigración y Asuntos Interiores de la Comisión Europea (CE) es una "muestra de confianza" del presidente electo, Jean−Claude Juncker, en el país heleno. "El presidente de la Comisión Europea, Jean−Claude Juncker, honró a nuestro país al encargar a nuestro comisario una de las carteras más importantes y eso es una prueba de su confianza en nosotros", aseguró el conservador en un comunicado emitido tras conocerse el cargo del comisario designado por Grecia. Esta cartera es una de las novedades de la legislatura,

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