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- Category: Marina Mercante
- Published on Monday, 06 October 2014 10:00
- Hits: 1913
En application du décret n° 2008680 du 9 juillet 2008 portant organisation de l’administration centrale du ministère de l’écologie, de l’énergie, du développement durable et de l’aménagement du territoire, et notamment le II de son article 5, la Mission de la Flotte de Commerce collecte les données concernant l’état de la flotte de commerce sous pavillon français et édite les documents statistiques selon une périodicité semestrielle.
La présente publication reprend le format de la précédente avec notamment des tableaux indiquant les régularisations d’opérations antérieures effectuées.
Pour tout renseignement concernant les données de ces tableaux : Direction Générale des Infrastructures, des Transports et de la Mer, Direction
The Unmanned Ghost Ships of the Future - Project MUNIN
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- Category: Marina Mercante
- Published on Thursday, 02 October 2014 15:48
- Hits: 2074
he Unmanned Ghost Ships of the Future - Project MUNIN
Scandinavian research organization SINTEF’s subsidiary MARINTEK believes that in about ten or twenty years most of the cargo ships sailing the globe will be unmanned. Seven other EU companies are into that in a pretty massive project called MUNIN.
The ocean is boring and dangerous
Rolls-Royce Testing Drone Technology for Unmanned Cargo Ships
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- Category: Marina Mercante
- Published on Wednesday, 01 October 2014 03:32
- Hits: 1698
Cruise Ship Jobs - Deck Officers and Ratings Positions
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- Category: Marina Mercante
- Published on Wednesday, 01 October 2014 03:45
- Hits: 2156
Back to All Shipboard Positions
The Deck Department on a cruise ship is a part of the Marine Operations division. The primary responsibilities of the Deck Officers and Ratings are the safe navigation of the vessel plus all safety and security aspects of the ship's operations, including guests, officers, crew and staff members. Although the actual head of the department is the Staff Captain, the highest ranking person aboard - the Captain/Master of the ship (at least due to the nature of his profession - a Deck Officer) is considered a member of the Deck department. There are in general two different types of positions - Deck Officers (Captain; Staff Captain; 1st, 2nd, 3rd Officers;
Rolls-Royce believes time of drone cargo ships has come
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- Category: Marina Mercante
- Published on Wednesday, 01 October 2014 03:21
- Hits: 1748
Marine innovation engineering department at Rolls-Royce has presented a draft design of an ocean-going robo-vessel that could enter service within a decade. Experts remain highly skeptical that computers could replace human instincts anytime soon.
Rolls-Royce (RR/) Holdings Plc, which started designing autonomous cargo vessels in 2013, have presented in Bloomberg original computer design of crewless cargo ships. The vessels have a distinct difference from all modern ships: they lack any